Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Your Shortcut to Happiness – Inner Happiness

Some time ago I wrote a book for a dear friend of mine. She was outwardly incredibly bubbly, happy and the life of the party but was, on the inside, one of the most hurt souls I knew.

Having had personal experience as an outwardly bubbly person who was hurting deeply on the inside, I felt the missing ingredient for my friend was one that is missing in many people’s lives. The ingredient I’m referring to is happiness that comes from within, from yourself, from your own experience with life (rather than being happy when something good happens, for example).

Now, I’m a pretty lucky girl. I’m incredibly grateful for the life I lead, but let me tell you… it took a bit of learning, hurting, getting outside of my comfort zone, healing and listening, to really get what inner happiness feels like. I knew my friend had wonderfully happy days when things just flowed and felt good for her but, without inner happiness as a foundation, she was struggling.

The book I wrote her tells the story of a young outwardly bubbly but desperately unhappy animal’s journey to happiness. The story showcases the robin flying around different settings asking wise elders about big life questions. Cutting a short story shorter, the take home message of the book is “The Answers Lie Within”, meaning it’s awesome and good to ask mentors and “gurus” for advise and guidance… but what’s true for you is only true for you. No one else can know what brings you happiness, because the answer to that question lies within you. So if you find yourself unhappy more often that happy, my advise is to RIGHT NOW take on the belief that the answer to your happiness is within you… The rest will follow.


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